Join the Club
All Hovawart owners and prospective owners are welcome to apply to join the club.
We are Kennel Club Registered and organise events throughout the year, details of which are published regularly.
The joining fees for Hovawart Club of Great Britain are:
- Single Membership £12 per annum
- Double Membership £15 per annum
- Family Membership £18 per annum
- Life Single Membership £120 single payment
- Life Double Membership £150 single payment
- Overseas Membership £15 per annum single, £18 per annumn joint, £21 per annum family
Love Hovawarts? Then apply to join the Club!
To apply for membership of the Hovawart Club of Great Britain, please download the membership form via the link below.
By completing this form, you agree to abide by the Club’s Rules and Code of Ethics
Rules for applying for membership
The club rules : Section 4
Ordinary Membership – Candidates for ordinary membership shall be proposed and seconded by members of the club who have been fully paid up members for at least twelve months. An ordinary member shall be eighteen years or older, all members younger than eighteen years shall be deemed junior members.
The method of election shall be by a secret ballot of the Committee, or by a show of hands and approved by the Committee whose decision shall be final. Upon election the new member will be notified accordingly by the Membership Secretary in writing and will be supplied with a copy of these Rules (which Rules the member upon election expressly agrees to be bound thereby).
Upon election the name and address of the member will be published in the next printed Newsletter or Year Book.

The HCGB calendar for 2025 is now available: £7.50 per copy.
UK postage is £2.50, and extra 50p for 3 copies, £1.50 extra for 4-8 copies
For example so 8 copies would be £64.
Payment may be made as follows:
By Cheque, made payable to THE HOVAWART CLUB of GREAT BRITAIN, and sent to New Mills Farm, Worthen, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY5 9JQ.
By BACS The Club A/C details are Sort Code 09-01-54 A/C No. 41573282
By PayPal the club A/C is
Once payment has been made can you please email John Sharpe at with the address you would like the calendar sent to.