At Burton On Trent Kennel Association Open Show, Judge Sue Bird awarded Best Of Breed to Mrs C and Mr J Mclure’s Kanukalos Burletta, She also won Any Variety Working Veteran judge Daniel Bown, this means that she has gained the award of Veteran Warrant and not only that she put the icing on the cake with getting awarded by Paul Conway Reserve Best Veteran in Show. To make the day even better for Mrs & Mr Mclure their young dog Pines Mansion at Kanukalos was Reserve Best of Breed, Best Puppy and he got Best Puppy Working Group 4, then went onto being shortlisted in a large class of 83 entries in Any Variety Puppy Stakes. That’s what you call a good day at a dog show.
There are 21 Hovawarts entered next week at LKA on Friday 13th December, it’s a lovely show and a great way to get together with our wonderful dogs and celebrate the year past and be able to wish old friends and new in person a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! It would be wonderful to see some new faces in the show ring during 2025, there are shows held all over the country. All shows are on either FosseData or Higham Press. The Hovawart Club of GB’s calendar has all the dates for Championship Shows which schedule Hovawart classes. To purchase a calendar please contact John Sharpe who’s contact details can be found on the clubs website Many shows allow (for a small fee) for you to bring along spectator dogs so why not come along and see what it involves usually after the business of “showing” has been done all the Hovawart people get together weather allowing and enjoy a picnic type lunch we would love you to join us. If you have any questions or news you wish me to share, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Paula Foakes