Breed Notes – January 17 2025

Breed Notes – January 17 2025

I will hand over these breed notes this week to Caron Mclure. Our Hovies are as we know are so precious and as a breed so very very special.

Tiggie (Hightimbers Penny) 05/01/2011 – 07/01/2025

It’s funny how some dogs find you when you are not expecting them, Tiggie was one of these. I first saw Hovawarts at Discover Dogs Earls Court in 2011, spotting Merlot (Pines Johnathancreek) and immediately being smitten, Merlot owned by Paula who introduced me to Maggie Spencer who was expecting a litter of puppies but they were all spoken for. Fortunately for us someone had to pull out and a little blonde fluffy bundle became available. After a long “interview” I left a deposit on the assumption that my husband, John would agree we could have her (he had no idea I was looking at her or that I had even left home that day!). After telling John I’d found him a beautiful blonde, it was just a case of bringing Tiggie home. Some things are just meant to be!

As an 8-week-old puppy Tiggie happily “pushed” our adult GSD, Tess out of her breakfast. From that alone we should have realised what a bold, confident lady had come to live with us. Normal puppy training commenced and then aspects of Working Trials, although as she grew, I took the decision to “dabble” in competitive obedience and hence our journey started. Tiggie took me from special pre-beginners, winning the only time entered in this class, all the way through to working A and the occasional B class. She also took me into the breed show ring, where she also had multiple successes.

Probably our greatest adventure was the litter of puppies Tiggie gave us. Again Paula and Maggie played a major part in this adventure, Paula for the suggestion of puppies and Maggie for letting us use her dog DJ (Pines Saxophone at Hightimbers). Tiggie has left an amazing legacy with this litter, with so many competitive successes (obedience and showing) including wins at Crufts Brumbi (Kanukalos Fortissimo)  2017 and Truffle (Kanukalos Burletta) 2018 being awarded Best of Breed and Rioja (Kanukalos Rhapsody) getting multiple Best Dog and Reserve at Championship Shows. Tiggies Grandson Rebel (Hightimbers Ticket To Rock) another blonde who we can see so much of Tiggie in, continues the winning ways at Crufts with Reserve dog in 2023 and Best of Breed 2024.

Tiggie has given us so many competitive successes but more importantly, she has been a pleasure to live and be with. Always up for a new challenge, learning and teaching us along the way new skills, she was so easy to take into new situations, enjoying staying away on holiday, especially walking in the Lake District and Scotland. She loved the water, although like most things, she swam with us, preferring our company to going it alone. We have met some amazing people through living with Tiggie, people who we are proud to call friends and be a part of the Hovie community.

Anyone asking about a Hovie is told they work with you, not for you and this is so true. Tiggie worked with us, teaching us and guiding us, we will be forever grateful for the time she shared with us. Sweet dreams our very special girl.

Please email me your Hovawart news and views.

Paula Foakes