Breed Notes – January 25 2025

Breed Notes – January 25 2025

Thank you to everyone that sent me the results for Manchester CH show, I am sorry I couldn’t make it there. Mr Tom H Johnston was our judge and his Best Of Breed and Best Bitch was Mrs C and Mr J Mclure’s Kanukalos Burletta with their young dog Pines Mansion at Kanukalos awarded Best Dog.  Reserve Best Bitch was Mrs E and Mr J Sharpe’s Pines Cluedo, Reserve Best Dog and Best Puppy was Miss L Cambell’s Brandanerhof Aragon (IKC). Winner of Special Beginner was Mrs S Johnson with Pines Bridge.

On Saturday 25th January we have classes at Redditch Open Rare and Import Registered Breeds Show at The Kennel Club Building, Stoneleigh CV8 2LZ. Our Judge is Terrie Cousins-Brown, we are in ring 3 after Rottweilers. Judging starts at 9.30am.

I sadly received an email from Liz Whitmore of the passing of her and Lynne Whites Mist.

Mist (Driftingsky Mist IHF CH) 25.01.2009 – 10.01.2025

Mist was born in January 2009, our first litter of puppies and she was one of nine. I remember sitting there in the middle of the night, none of us knew how it was all going to go, and then suddenly there she was.

She had little white tips to her paws which later disappeared, and a small white spot on her chest, which didn’t, and which I always loved. I remember looking at her at a training class when she was about a year old and thinking that she was just beautiful. It was a total surprise when she won the Club Show in 2010 when she was 18 months old, and then later Best Bitch at Crufts in 2015, and later still won the Club Show again in 2017. Thanks to Tapio Eerola, John Sharpe and Ans Schellekens who gave her those awards, which led to her gaining her International Hovawart Championship, one of only 6 in the UK to do so.

But most of all she was our constant companion. We would spend hours walking the footpaths over the moors, and she and her mother Drift loved nothing more than rushing though muddy fields, in and out of ditches, across the ditches along planks, coming home covered in mud and having to be rinsed off each day. Holidays on the beach were a favourite, the best times were had at Carradale Bay in Scotland, in and out of the water. She was very fast and covered the ground with ease. She loved her obedience training and would have done better if I had been a better trainer. She also took part in Pet Dog Rally Obedience, and Scentwork UK (Level 3) despite starting this late in life.

She liked to have plenty of space to herself in the car, frequently I’d look round and the other three would be squashed at the back while she lay in state with at least 2/3 of the room. With other dogs that she didn’t know she preferred them to keep a 3-foot distance, but once a friend always a friend.

When she was five she had six puppies, our second litter. Her daughter Alize stayed with us, and for some years we had three generations. In later years she had a habit of taking herself off to bed after her evening meal but then coming back a couple of hours later to see where everyone else was. I miss that little face coming round the kitchen door to check on us and round us all up.

Mist – it was a privilege to share your life for almost 16 years, you were a star in so many ways, and we will never forget you.

Please send me your Hovawart news and views.

Paula Foakes