Puppy enquiries

When somebody contacts me as they are interested in getting a Hovawart one of my first questions is have you met one in “person” if not depending on your location I will give you the nearest committee members name & contact details to go and visit and meet Hovawarts in a home environment. Also there are some Dog Shows that have Hovawart classes and Discover Dogs.

If after our initial conversation you decide a Hovawart is for you, I ask you to send me an email which I will acknowledge and put you onto a list which when a Hovawart breeder who is a club member contacts me and tells me they have mated their bitch and have had her scanned at approximately 5 weeks into the pregnancy (to avoid disappointment) that their bitch is confirmed “in whelp” I will then send an email to everyone (blind copied) on that list. It doesn’t matter if you have been on the list 5 days or 5 years, you all get the same notification of the breeders name contact details and where they are located. If the timing and geography is right for you, It is up to you to contact that breeder. Due to data protection nobody but myself has access to the list.

It is then between you and the breeder of the puppies to progress forward. Please remember taking on a puppy is a huge commitment and the first 2 years especially are hard work and takes up a lot of time as every puppy needs training which needs to carry on through adolescent. If done properly you can end up with the best companion ever for hopefully the next 12 to 14 years.

I am more than happy to have you contact me as I am very happy to “talk Hovawart”.

Paula Foakes
Litter/Breed Information coordinator

Information on this page relating to hovawart litters and puppies is restricted to club members, who are committed to the code of ethics. Click here to read the Club Rules and Code of Ethics, which includes a commitment to carrying out the relevant health testing and breeding in accordance with the principles of the Kennel Club Assured Breeder Scheme.