About the Club
From the outset, the Club has very much had the continuing good health of the breed at the heart of its ethos. The Club’s Code of Ethics initially included hip scoring and testing for thyroid (just T4 from the outset and then in 2015 the requirement was expanded to specify a wider range of thyroid tests).
In 2018 the requirement to test for the SOD1 gene mutation (related to the risk of developing DM) was introduced. The Club requires all members to reach agreed standards prior to breeding their dogs, and constantly monitors developments of other areas of concern in other countries.
The club also regularly undertakes health surveys of the breed in the UK, the earliest taking place in 1989 when 30 owners responded. The latest survey took place in 2020 with 42 members responding. The Club is aiming to be active participants in the KC’s genome project, with funds already in place.
Club members have also been involved in dog activities such as obedience competition, blood donation, working trials, search and rescue, tracking, cani-cross, visiting hospitals, schools and care homes, parkour and fund-raising among other things, and the club encourages this by an annual award, the TIA Trophy, which is awarded to the Hovawart that has done most to promote the breed outside the show ring.
The club have held several seminars over the years, both learning and judging, and have had the benefit of having expert help both from Dutch specialists and on one occasion the president of the IHF. The club is actively engaged with the KC’s programme of judges training and advancement having recently appointed a Breed Education Coordinator to work with this programme. It is hoped it will eventually allow future judges to reach Level 4 and judge the breed in other countries and issue awards which will count towards a Champion title.
Going forward, the club has embraced technology with a comprehensive website, an active Facebook page and even Zoom meetings for both the committee and the general membership. With the continued development of gene study and knowledge, the club hopes to be able to keep improving the health and longevity of the breed.
The HCGB and Hovawart owners in the UK look forward to creating many more friends, expanding our knowledge and appreciation of the dog that occupies our homes – THE HOVAWART.
History of the Club
The club’s origins can be traced to an assessment by the Dutch club’s president, Dr. Baretta-Kuipers, of a gathering of 9 Hovawarts in October 1982. She had been invited over by Min Inches to assess the breed and this was followed by an inaugural meeting in December at the LKA show of 27 founder members, who formed the club with Dr. Baretta-Kuipers as patron and Min Inches as president.

Despite Kennel Club recognition not being granted until October 1988, fun and activity days were organised, as were breed and character assessments, and in 1983 the club was represented at the KC’s prototype of what was to become Discover Dogs, an event the club has always supported both at Crufts and in London.
Following KC recognition in 1988, the club has held shows on an annual basis, and incudes other activities including an obedience competition, agility, rally (introduced in 2016) and an opportunity to take the KC Good Citizen tests.