Show Judges
The Judges List is reviewed regularly by the Judges SubCommittee, which is appointed by the Committee.
Breed Education Coordinator
Craig Hosie 01595 809238

It is a pre-requisite for inclusion on these lists that critiques are submitted as is customary to the dog press.
A3 List (Breed Specialists)
1. Minimum of 7 years judging experience in the breed and have the support of the HCGB
2. To have judged at one breed club show.
3. To have judged a minimum of 15 classes
4. To have judged a minimum of 30 dogs
5. To have attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer and passed the relevant
examination on Kennel Club Regulations and Judging Procedures.
6. To have attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer of Confirmation and Movement.
7. To have attended and passed a Hands on Assessment delivered by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer (C
& M).
8. To have attended at least one Hovawart Club of Great Britain breed specific judging seminar run in
accordance with the relevant Kennel Club Code of Best Practice and passed an examination/or
assessment where applicable, within the last 10 years.
9. To have bred and or owned a minimum of three dogs when they obtained their 1st entry in the Kennel
Club Stud Book (save in exceptional circumstances).
10. To have stewarded over a minimum of 12 days.
A3 List (Non-Specialists)
1. Minimum of 7 years judging experience in any one breed (to include 5 years in this breed) and have the
support of the HCGB
2. To have judged a minimum of 15 classes in this breed.
3. To have judged a minimum of 30 dogs in this breed.
4. To have awarded CC’s in at least one other breed.
5. To have attended at least one Hovawart Club of Great Britain breed specific judging seminar run in
accordance with the relevant Kennel Club Code of Best Practice and passed an examination/or
assessment where applicable, within the last 10 years.
Note : For A3 list, attendance at breed seminar is preferable but not mandatory, if you award CC’s already in
at least 3 other breeds ( KC Guidelines
B List (Breed Specialist)
1. To have 5 years experience owning and exhibiting in this breed and 3 years judging in this breed and to
have the support of the HCGB
2. To have judged 10 classes of this breed at Open Shows or Championship Shows without CC’s
3. To have judged 15 dogs of this breed.
4. To have attended at least one breed specific judging seminar and passed an assessment where
B List (Non Specialists)
1. Minimum of five years judging experience in any one breed and have the support of the HCGB
2. To have judged 10 classes of this breed at Open Shows or Championship Shows.
3. To have judged 15 of this breed.
4. To have attended at least one breed specific judging seminar and passed an assessment where
Requirements 1 and 2 of the B List (Non-Specialist) will be waived for judges who are previously approved by
the Kennel Club to judge the Working Group at Championship Shows, provided that requirement 4 is met.
C List – for judges who have met the requirements of JEP Level 1
Requirements to meet this level:
• Minimum of five years proven interest in pedigree dogs
• Attend a requirements of a dog show judge seminar (but not mandatory to take and pass examination)
• Attend a conformation and movement seminar
• Complete a minimum of two full-day stewarding appointments
Eligibility to judge
• Up to three classes (four if one is a puppy class) or five (six if one is a puppy class) for stud book band
E breeds for any breed at limited or open shows.
During the transition period judges may qualify for judging appointments either through the previous Breed
club judging lists or through the Kennel Club administered Judges Education Programme as follows. Please
check the Kennel Club website for the latest information.
Level 1:
Requirements to meet this level: 1
• Minimum of five years proven interest in pedigree dogs
• Attend a Conformation and Movement seminar hosted by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer
• Complete a minimum of two full-day stewarding appointments
• Attend a Requirements of a Dog Show Judge seminar and pass associated exam (either in person or
online via Kennel Club Academy, exam effective from 1 January 2024)
• Pass the Points of a Dog assessment conducted by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer (effective from 1
January 2024)
Eligibility to judge
Up to three classes (four if one is a puppy class) for any breed at limited or open shows.
Level 2:
Requirements to meet this level 2
First breed:
• Attend a breed appreciation day (BAD) and pass a multiple-choice examination (MCE) for the
respective breed.
• View ring stewarding seminar and take online quiz.
• Complete critique writing seminar and take online quiz.
Subsequent breeds
• Attend a breed appreciation day (BAD) and pass a multiple-choice examination (MCE) for each breed.
Note: Not mandatory for group judge for breeds in the group that they are not approved at level 4, but
attendance strongly recommended.
Eligibility to judge
• Unlimited number of classes for the respective breed at limited, open or championship shows (no
• Any variety classes, groups and best in show at limited shows.
Level 3
Requirements to meet this Level: 3
• Undergo minimum of three mentoring sessions with a minimum of 12 months between first and third
• Be observed judging a breed club show, breed supported entry show or championship show without
• Have achieved the relevant hands-on experience in line with the stated requirements for the relevant
stud book band
• Complete remaining 10 full-day stewarding appointments (onetime qualification
Have owned/bred a minimum of 3 dogs when they obtained their first entry in The Kennel Club stud
book – save for exceptional circumstances (one-time qualification)
• Attended the appropriate sub-group field trial/open gundog working test for first gundog breed or ring
procedure at licensed shows (German Shepherd Dog education programme) online exam (one-time
Eligibility to judge
• Unlimited number of classes for the respective breed at limited, open or championship shows (no
• Any variety classes groups and best in show at limited shows
Under construction – content to follow
1 Conditions for receiving the title “IHF-Champion”
The title „International Champion of IHF (Internationale Hovawart-Föderation)” is awarded
when the following conditions are fulfilled:
1. Three qualifying certificates have to be received from two different FCI judges specialized in
the breed Hovawart. Each IHF-country must announce those FCI special judges to the general
secretary at a minimum once a year, so that they can be listed on the current IHF Judges List.
The awarding FCI special judge must be on the IHF Judges List at the time the certificate is
2. A Hovawart can only become an IHF Champion if it has an HD result of A or B. This must be
documented by the owner of the dog within the application for the title.
3. The title „IHF Champion” can be awarded only once for one specific Hovawart.
4. When the conditions are fulfilled, the documents (the three certificates and the HD-result)
should be sent to the general secretary of IHF.
5. In order to verify the submitted certificates, the general secretary of IHF has to receive the
“awarding form”, signed by the judge and the ring steward, following each show.
6. The title is awarded by the IHF. The general secretary of IHF sends the IHF Champion
document and is responsible for announcing the title in the magazine „Der Hovawart” as well
as on the IHF Homepage.
This regulation is valid from 01.06.2023 and replaces all previous rules.
2 Conditions for receiving the IHF certificate
1. Certificates can only be awarded if there is a minimum number of 12 Hovawarts in the
classes competing for the IHF-Championship at the show.
2. Each IHF member country should determine two shows in advance where the certificates for
the IHF Championship will be handed out. Certificates are only allowed to be given out at
shows covered by the umbrella organization of the country. Because the United States does
not have a national, umbrella dog club, this umbrella organization rule does not apply to the
Hovawart Club of North America
3. All dogs having received an “Excellent 1” in adult classes, including “Excellent 1 or 1
st Place”
in veteran class, are in competition for the certificate; dogs in the youth class are not eligible.
A separate competition is held for the certificates, and separate competitions are held for
males and females.
4. No reserve certificates are available.
5. It is the decision of the judge to give the certificate or not, and there is no right to receive the
certificate even if the dog earned the classification „Excellent 1” or „1
st place”.
6. The owner of the dog must be a member of an IHF Member Club. The owner of the
participating dog must prove his membership on the day of the show.
7. Certificates given out before this new regulation are valid.
This regulation is valid from 01.06.2023 and replaces all previous regulations.
Craig Hosie
01595 809238
Under construction – content to follow
Craig Hosie
John Sharpe
Gill Stockton