I am sure you have noticed that whilst out on a walk your dogs stop to sniff frequently (usually every blade of grass when your in a hurry!) Why you might ask yourself? Well for a dog it is like reading the newspaper. It tells them who has been past, how long ago, what they were doing, have they dropped any tasty (or undesirable) treats, is there any new perfume for them to roll in etc. It is a natural and instinctive thing for a dog to do.

The dogs nose is an amazing organ. It has around 222 million olfactory receptors compared to around the 6 million the human nose has enabling them to smell more variation of scent and the tiniest of scent  particles. It can inhale and exhale at the same time enabled by its shape – the exhaled air being expelled through the slits (nares) at the side of the nose thus allowing the scent to be continuously inhaled through the nostrils. This amazing ability has been harnessed by organisations including medical, armed forces, police, search and rescue and many others.

This natural ability is a great way of helping you bond with your dog as they take great pleasure in rooting around searching for treats or their favourite toy that you have hidden around the house or garden.

If you would like to take this further there are now many organisations growing up around this dog “sport”
The greatest thing about Scentwork that ANY dog can take part wether they be reactive, timid, old or young or disabled- it is all inclusive, a natural activity for a dog and great fun. Happy sniffing