Rescue and Rehoming
From time to time we are asked to find a new home for a Hovawart. Details of any Hovawart requiring rehoming will be placed here.
Dogs for rehoming do not come up often (thankfully) but when they do, it can be for any reason and they can be of any age. We are therefore keen to ensure a stable and suitable new home is found.
Send Us Your Details
If you would like to rehome a Hovawart then contact us with your details and we will let you know when a suitable dog comes up for rehoming.
Please remember it does not happen often so do not expect to hear from us too soon.
Email with your name, details and any experience with hovawarts.
Support and Rescue
The Hovawart is a strong, smart dog that needs to be occupied both physically and mentally. The first few years are not easy and we all have times when we need advice or a little help, especially navigating the teenage stage. We are lucky in the club to have experienced owners, trainers and behaviourists who are more than happy to support you through these tough times. You will not be judged, there is no failure in asking for help, but we can only help if we know. Your first port of call would normally be your breeder but if this is not an option please contact us at and we will discuss the situation with you and work out a plan of action for the best way to help.
If you are struggling to find a reputable trainer in your area, please check out the following
IMDT – Institute of Modern Dog Trainers
APDT – Association of Pet Dog Trainers
PPG – Pet Professional Guild
Rescue procedure
The Club will do everything it can to try and keep dogs in their original homes but sometimes through no one’s fault a new home is
required and to support this we have implemented the following steps. This is only a guide; each case would be treated on an individual basis.
- Has the dog’s breeder been informed?
- Has the dog been checked by a vet?
- See how we can offer help either by helping to find a local approved trainer or if required have the dog assessed by a qualified behaviourist. (See list below)
- If rehoming is still the only option, then following the assessment we will help with the rehoming by the use of the website and club Facebook page.
- Ideally the dog will remain in its own home unless this is not possible and then we can assist in finding an alternative.
- Once the dog has been rehomed we will provide full support and advice to the new owners, and support the original owners as this can be a very distressing situation. Nobody wants to give up their dog but in some cases it is the best option for the dog and that is all we want.
Additional information
APBC – Association of Behaviour and Training Council
FABC – The Fellowship of Animal Behaviour Clinicians
COAPE – (member of the Charter UK and CAB by ICAN)
– The Perfect Puppy by Gwen Bailey
– Easy Peasy Puppy Squeezy by Steve Mann
– Life Skills for puppies by Helen Zulch and Daniel Mills
– Culture Clash by Jean Donaldson
– Explaining in Plain English How Dogs Learn and How Best to Teach Them by Pamela J. Reid
– Dominance in Dogs: Fact or Fiction? by Barry Eaton
– The Other End of the Leash: Why we do what we do around dogs by Patricia McConnell
– Don’t Shoot the Dog by Karen Pryor
– Reaching the Animal Mind: Clicker Training and What It Teaches Us about All Animals by Karen Pryor
– Dog Body Language by Lili Chinmso
– Chill out Fido by Nan Arthurmso
– How Dogs Learn by Burch and Bailey
– Emily Larlham has a great YouTube channel for general training and advice (
These do not replace professional guidance
– Click for Calm by Emma Parsons
– Control Unleashed by Leslie McDevitt
– Mine!: A Practical Guide to Resource Guarding in Dogs by Jean Donaldson
– Behaviour Adjustment Training: BAT for Fear, Frustration, and Aggression in Dogs by Grisha Stewart
– Aggression in Dogs by Brenda Aloff
– Cautious Canine by Patricia McConnell
– Help For your Fearful Dog by Nicole Wilde
– Keeping the Peace: A guide to Solving Dog:Dog Aggression in the Home by Nicole Wilde
– Feeling Outnumbered – How to manage and enjoy a multi dog household by Patricia McConnell & Karen London
– Fight!: A Practical Guide to the Treatment of Dog-dog Aggression by Jean Donaldson
– Feisty Fido: Help for the Leash-Reactive Dog by Patricia McConnell
– Scaredy Dog – Understanding & Rehabilitating your Reactive Dog by Ali Brown